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Nehaunsey Middle School

Physical Education 2023 – 2024

Grades 6-8


Instructor:  Mr. Sean Keane


Phone:  856-224-4920 ext. 2127


Email:  S[email protected] 




The purpose of Physical Education is to provide students with the ability to participate in a variety of different individual and team activities as well as realizing the importance of physical fitness.  The students will develop social behavior skills that will allow them to find success in class.


Course Outline


Classes will meet in the gymnasium five times per week.  The students will participate in the following activities throughout the year:


*  Cooperative Activities (GRADE 6-8)               *  Volleyball/Newcomb (GRADES 6-8) 

*  Soccer (GRADES 6-8)                                      *  Floor Hockey (GRADES 6-8)

*  Flag Football (GRADES 6-8)                           *  Badminton (GRADES 6, 8)

*  Pickleball (GRADES 7, 8)                                *  Wiffleball (GRADES 6-8)

*  Basketball (GRADES 6-8)                                *  Fitness Training/Fitness Gram (GRADES 6-8)

*  Team Handball (GRADES 6-8)                      

*  Tchoukball (GRADE 6-8)                                                                     


Dress Code


Students will be expected to come dressed to class in proper Phys Ed attire.  Proper attire includes the following: shirt, athletic shorts and/or sweatpants (weather related), sneakers, and socks.  Shorts must be fingertip or mid thigh in length and be worn around the waist.  T-shirts must have no offensive or derogatory images/phrases on them.  Shirts must reach the waist of the student or they will be marked as unprepared, in addition to not being able to participate.  Students may wear a sleeveless shirt but must the shoulder strap must be three fingers in width.  Sneakers that are worn in class must have laces and support the ankles.  If a student is unable to obtain any of these items, please reach out to me as quickly as possible so we can work on resolving the issue.


If a student comes to school dressed in this attire, they will still be expected to change into another set of clothes for personal hygiene purposes. 


Students who do not come prepared will have points deducted from their participation grade (see Grading).


Important Note:  If a student is uncomfortable with the changing procedures, please have a parents/guardian reach out to Mr. Keane via email or phone ASAP so we can collaborate on potential solutions.  If not, I will be forced to deduct points each time there is an "unprepared" class.


Absences and Lateness


If a student has an excused absence, they will be expected to hand in a note to the school nurse.  


Students are expected to report to the gymnasium when the bell rings.  They will have five minutes to get changed in the locker room.  If a student takes longer than the time given it will result in a loss of one participation point.  Also, any student who does not bring a change of clothes is not permitted into the locker room area until all students have changed.  In both cases, they will receive a verbal warning for the first offense followed by additional disciplinary actions if the problem continues (see Rules and Consequences).


Once they have left the locker room, they will be expected to complete the “Instant Activity” warm up that is on Google Classroom.  Students should report to their spots on the floor with their lap tops to complete the exercises with their warm-up groups. Failure to complete each “Instant Activity” will result in a deduction of 2 participation points. 


Rules and Consequences


Participate.  Sportsmanship.  Respect to others. 

These are the three main things that are expected out of all students.  Any student who decides to become a disruption in class will not only lose participation points but will be given the following discipline based on the severity of the action:

         -  Verbal warning after class

         -  Parent Contact

         -  Lunch Detention

         -  Administrative Contact




Participation (55%)


Each student will start the quarter off with 100 participation points.  Points will be taken away for any student who is not following classroom procedures. 


Students will be required to wear a Heart Zones Strider Step Sensor every day during class.  These devices will monitor the amount of steps the students have taken during class (in addition to other important fitness information).  Students are required to take a minimum  of 1,500 steps most class (adjusted according to activities taking place) to earn full credit for that particular class period (unless otherwise stated by Mr. Keane).  In regards to grading, step total grading will be as followed (in this example, 1,500 steps is the goal for the class):


1,500 steps and above = -0 points

1,400 - 1,499 steps = -1 point

1,300 - 1,399 steps = -2 points

1,200 - 1,299 steps = -3 points

1,100 - 1,199 steps = -4 points

1,100 steps and below = -5 points



Each time a student is "unprepared" (not dressed properly) they will lose participation points.  On the first offense of being "unprepared" for class each marking period, the students will be given a "free pass" with a deduction of no points.  Each offense afterwards will result in a deduction of five participation points.  Students who are "unprepared" will need to give Mr. Keane all electronic devices (cell phone, laptop, gaming system) until the end of the class period and will be given different tasks to assist instruction.  Any student who refuses will face additional disciplinary consequences. 


A student who is "unprepared" may also earn three points back during the class by doing the following:


-  Participating during the lesson although they did not bring a proper change of clothes.  In order for a student to do that they must come to class in proper class attire (refer back to "Dress Code").  


Students can also lose participation points by displaying poor sportsmanship during classroom activities.  Point deduction will be based on the serverity of the act.  


Students can earn these points back with a “make up class” that will be arranged between Mr. Keane and the school at the end of each marking period.  Points may also be earned back by being fully prepared and hitting their step goals each class.  For these days (where points have not been deducted) students will earn 0.5 back for each day during that marking period.



Assignments/Assessments (30%)

Students will be asked to complete small assignments during the first marking period.  These assignments will review important information that the students need to know throughout the year.  All assignments will be located on Google Classroom.  


At the end of each sport unit, the students will be given some form of an assessment.  Written assessments will take place on Google Classroom.  Students are not allowed to complete assessments outside of class, or they will receive an automatic grade of a zero.  ANY STUDENT WHO MISSES AN ASSESSMENT MUST RESCHEDULE A TIME TO TAKE IT WITH MR. KEANE (PREP PERIOD, BEFORE LUNCH, ETC.).  The assessments will cover the following for each grade:  


6th Grade:  written assessment on basic skills and strategies taught throughout the unit


7th Grade:  written assessment on more advanced skills (i.e. individual offensive moves) and the history of the sport being taught


8th Grade:  skill assessment on different strategies and skills taught at the beginning of the unit



Fitness Logs (15%)

As stated above, students will be wearing their Heart Zone Striders each class.  Students will be expected to log their fitness information for the assigned days posted.  Fitness Information will be posted on Google Classroom no later than the end of each school week.  It is extremely important to not fall behind on the logs and to stay as up to date as possible.  This will allow you to track your own fitness progress.


Remind 101


Students and parents may sign up for Remind 101 for Physical Education.  Reminders will include the following: upcoming tests, reminders of a fitness day/Fitness Gram testing, make up times, and any weather related changes to class.  Students may sign up as followed:


8th Grade

Enter this number in a text message:  81010

Text this message:  @a3337hg


7th Grade

Enter this number in a text message:  81010

Text this message:  @bfgebb


6th Grade

Enter this number in a text message:  81010

Text this message:  @483f749


Google Classroom


The following codes will allow students to access their class's page.  This is where all assignments will be submitted as well as important announcements in regards to class.  Make sure you are signing up for the correct class!  For example, if you are a 6th grade student who has Health/Phys Ed during 2nd period, your class is "6-2."


8th Grade   

8-2: euguwfe

8-10: q4owduf


7th Grade

7-4: cvfweot

7-8:  jqkbws7


6th Grade

6-3: vyuyakp

6-9: e2v56wv


Doctor’s Notes


Any student that will need to be excused from participating and dressing for Phys Ed class will need to bring in a doctor’s note to the school.  Once the school nurse is aware of the issue the student will be excused from class.  That student will be given another role in class, such as teacher’s assistant. 



Please sign the “Contract Agreement” given to the student in class.  Any student who does not return a contract slip within the assigned time frame  will receive a deduction of five participation points for the first marking period.