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Congratulations to the following teams for winning the pickleball tournament in their respective classes and earning 6 points to their participation grade!








1st Place:  Zay Brown and Cici Lindsey




2nd Place:  Sean Siegel and Nick Squilla




3rd Place:  Kait Marshall and Samira Rone











1st Place:  Cal Barber and Maya LaFleur




2nd Place:  Chloe Madison, Lukas Milligan, and Bruce Stanfield




3rd Place:  Mason Baxter and Anderson Van Pelt








1st Place:  Colin Maldonado and Alett Santiago-German





2nd Place:  Alina Hugley and Aaliyah Ward





3rd Place:  Austin Dowdy, William Moore, and Joron Thompson










1st Place:  Bert Colon and Julius Scott





2nd Place:  Adan Caraballo and Aaron Trzcinski





3rd Place:  Dylan Collins and Luis Ramirez