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Social Studies 


In the American Revolution Unit, students will:


  • The American Revolution was caused by a number of factors, each of which moved the colonies to war with Great Britain. In this unit students will trace the events that led to the Revolution by discovering:
  • Important causes and people of the war- French and Indian War - The French and Indian War lead to the positive gain of land for the Colonies, but negatively impacted Great Britain with the fact that the war had to be paid for.  The Stamp Act- One of the first taxes that impacted most of the colonists. This lead to the slogan "no taxation without representation" and the perception of the taxes by Parliament. Boston Massacre- This was a turning point for many loyalists and patriots and their feelings about the British Army.  The Boston Tea Party- This event shows how some Colonists reacted to the dissatisfaction of Britain's tax on tea. Key individuals for this are King George, George Washington, John Adams, Sam Adams, Sons of Liberty, Daughters of Liberty, Paul Revere
  • Pivotal events of the war-Significant Battles of the Revolution- Battles of Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, and Yorktown.
  • Declaration of Independence- Written after the Second Continental Congress and the Battle of Lexington and Concord, this document lays out the reasons that the Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin



Units 1 & 2 explore the following topics: "Earth and Moon," and "Stars and Planets."



The writing focus is narrative. Students will write narratives to develope real or imagined events using descriptive detils and clear event sequence.




Whole Numbers, Place Value and Rounding in Computation


  • Read and write multi-digit whole numbers through the millions.
  • Recognize numbers in standard, expanded, and word form.
  • Round multi-digit numbers to any place.
  • Compare rounded multi-digit numbers and express their relationship using  >, <, or =.
  • Estimate sum and/or difference of numbers, apply estimation to solve problems, and determine when it is necessary or appropriate to apply estimation strategies.
  • Fluently solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems using the standard algorithm.
  • Solve multi-step problems using addition and subtraction.
  • Solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money.
  • Apply the perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems.


In Reading, students are learning how to use inferencing, theme, main idea, and summary to support reading comprehension.  Students are also using strategies like chunking, visualizing, and rereading.  In small groups, students will practice reading skills along with reading challenging texts with fluency and expression to improve comprehension.