Mrs. Russell
English 10 Honors
SAT Critical Reading
House 1-Room 119
Welcome back!
Please see our Schoology page for information regarding assignments, and current resources.
Course Overview:
This rigorous course is designed to prepare students for English Honors 11, English Honors 12, AP English Language and Composition and the AP Literature and Composition tests during their Junior and Senior years. The class is meant to strengthen the effectiveness of writing through close reading and critical analysis through reading pieces of, and about, American literature, as well as literature from other parts of the world. This course specifically covers Pre-Colonial to Post-Civil War American Literature. Solid reading and writing skills, along with a willingness to devote considerable time to homework and study, are necessary to succeed in this class. Emphasis is placed on critical and analytical thinking skills, essay writing, and interpretation of primary and secondary sources.
Grading Policy:
Students will be graded on a variety of different assignments throughout the school year including class participation and preparedness. Marking period averages are determined using the following breakdown:
60% |
Summative Assessments (Tests, Projects, Essays, Presentations) |
20% |
Quizzes, Class Assignments |
20% |
Class Participation/Homework |
Classroom Rules:
**Note: All BHS rules will be enforced in class each day **
Each student is required to come to class prepared each day. Failure to come to class without required materials will affect your class participation grade.
When the bell rings, you are required to be in your seat and ready to work. There will ALWAYS be a Do Now assignment on the board at the beginning of class, which is to be started immediately.
No student will be permitted to go to his/her locker during class time. All necessary books and materials must be brought to class each day.
Cell phones/Headphones6Cell phones are not permitted in class without my permission. If I see a cell phone out during class, it will result in disciplinary action.
As soon as you walk into Room 119, headphones must not be visible.
The classroom must be kept neat and orderly at all times. Desks and classroom furniture are not to be moved without my permission. Garbage should be placed in waste baskets and should never be left on desks or the floor. Any act of vandalism or damage to classroom property will be handled according to the BHS policy.
A seating chart will be followed and may be changed periodically throughout the school year. You must sit in your designated seat each day.
While in my classroom, you are expected to be respectful of everyone and everything around you at all times. Demonstrate self-discipline and a respectful attitude toward others. Please take responsibility for your own actions.
9. Demonstrate a desire to succeed. Be an active learner.
Homework will be assigned regularly and must be completed by the following day unless stated otherwise. Incomplete homework will not receive credit. Homework is posted in the classroom each day, as well as on Schoology. Each student will start with 100 as a homework grade each marking period. Each homework assignment missed will lose five points off the homework average.
All out of class writing assignments are required to be typed in Times New Roman or Courier New (size 12) font and should be double spaced. Assignments will be evaluated for proper grammar, as well as composition. Students are expected to read and follow individual assignment directions.
Novels will be assigned to each student throughout the year. It is your responsibility to bring your assigned novel to class each day. If a novel is lost or stolen, you will be responsible for paying the English Department for a new one. All reading is mandatory and reading dates are final unless said otherwise. While reading during class, you will be asked to take notes in a specified style. Those notes may be used for a quiz grade or a collection of notes may be used as a summative assessment grade.
Plagiarism in any form, according to district policy, will result in a grade of 0. Plagiarism can take many forms so simply copying word-for-word is not the only form of plagiarism. Please see page 32 of the Bayonne High School Student Handbook.
Make up work
It is each student’s responsibility to make up all work in a timely manner. All assignments are posted each day on Schoology, including homework assignments. If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to check Schoology and make up both classwork and homework assignments. If a student misses a test or quiz due to absence, he/she will be responsible for taking the test/quiz on the day the student returns to school. If a student fails to hand in a quiz or summative assessment on time, the highest grade the assignment can receive is a 75. Late work will not be accepted after one week.
Any student arriving late after the second bell is considered late.
A pass is required from a teacher, nurse, guidance, or VP for a late to be considered excused.
Five unexcused lates to class will result in a discipline report.
Any student absent from class but present in school will be considered to have cut the class.
If a student knows he/she will miss class before the fact due to an excused absence (ex. field trip, nurse, guidance appointment), he/she should inform me prior to the missed class and is responsible for any work missed.
Substitute Work: In the case of my absence, class work will be assigned by the substitute teacher and collected at the end of the period. This will count as a quiz grade.
If you cut class on the day of a test or quiz, you will receive a 0.
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Russell via email any time at [email protected]. For any questions or concerns, I may also be reached by calling the House 1 office and leaving a message.