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Each class has a Remind account, which enables me to notify students via text message through this account.  This provides a safe way to communicate with students effectively and quickly as students cannot text back but only receive notifications, and it uses the Remind program to send the message, not my cell phone.  (I never see students' cell phone numbers either as they join the app on their own with an access code.)  If students wish to join at this point they must see me so I can give them a code.  I use this occasionally to send students reminders about tests, projects, upcoming events, etc.  Parents can also join this; simply email me a request at [email protected] and I will respond with a code to join.  


Period 1 Class:


Send a text to 81010 with the message @kk29b2h



Period 4 Class:


Send a text to 81010 with the message @2kd92hf



Period 8/9 Class:


Send a text to 81010 with the message @92effdk



Period 11 Class:


Send a text to 81010 with the message @669d89