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Language Tips for Your Preschooler


  • Simplify your language when you talk (use more single words and phrases instead of long sentences). If your child is verbal, try to get them to repeat those words or short phrases.


  • Talk about what is happening during routines and activities at home, daycare and other places (i.e. playground, grocery store). Your child needs to hear the words for what he or she is experiencing throughout the day. 


  • Pause often while you are talking to allow your child time to process what you are saying and to provide opportunities for spontaneous communication. Respond to any and all of your child’s attempts for communication (i.e. gestures, babbling, words). A positive response will encourage your child to attempt communication more.


  • Avoid anticipating your child’s needs to encourage him or her to communicate needs and wants through gestures, words, signs, and/or pictures.


  • If your child communicates nonverbally through gestures or facial expressions, model the word, sign, and/or picture that match the nonverbal communication. If your child hands you a cup, you could say, “juice… You want juice.” If he or she looks at a favorite toy on the shelf, you could say, “truck… I’ll get your truck.” Remember to pair signs and/or pictures too.


  • Limit the amount to items so that your child has to ask for more (i.e. pour 1/3 cup of juice instead of a full cup).


  • Offer choices (i.e. “juice or milk,” “swing or slide”) to encourage communication.


  • Expand what your child says or does adding one word. For example, if your child says “juice” say back “juice please.” If your child points to a toy (teddy bear), point to the toy and say “bear.”


  • To encourage communication “forget” something (i.e. a shoe during dressing, milk for cereal, crayons during art, a turn during a game, turning the TV on or off).


  • Play interactive games and/or sign songs like Peek-a-Boo, Patty Cake, and Itsy Bitsy Spider. This engages your child and encourages joint attention.


  • Play and play often!!