page contents


Welcome back!

We are looking forward to a great year in Pre-KB! The purpose of this website is to help keep parents informed of any homework, class/school news, upcoming projects in room C-217. Please check the website weekly.


There are many links on the right side of this page. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the different links and the kinds of information you can find within them. This will make it easier for you to locate important information in the future.



Important Information!


Please make sure that you are checking your child's communication folder on a daily basis when you get home from school. Please fill out/complete any paperwork on the "Bring Back to School" side and keep any paperwork that is on the "Keep at Home" side. This folder should be returned to school everyday and placed in our folder holder when you drop your child off in the morning. 




General Information





We ask that you provide your child with a healthy snack (fruits, animal crackers, goldfish) and drink (water or juice) from home everyday. It is a long day of learning and playing so as you can imagine we are constantly up and going. This is why it is so important that our little ones have a chance to stop and refuel with a snack. If for some reason you are not able to provide your child with one, we will provide them with our own class snack (emergency cases only).




Birthday Celebrations


There are some guidelines for classroom birthday celebrations that we would like to share with you. We cannot accept cakes because we do not have the utensils to cut them, therefore only cupcakes will be allowed. Additionally, cupcakes must be store bought not made at home. We have 15 students in our class. If you are going to send in treats, please make sure you send enough for all of the children. If you need a breakdown of how many girls and boys are in our class, please reach out to me and I will provide you with that information. The treats must be dropped off at school no later than 11:30 am because we will be celebrating during our snack time.  Unfortunately, parents are not allowed to be in the classroom during birthday celebrations. We understand that you may want pictures taken as mementos. In that case, you can notify me and I will be happy to take pictures during our celebration and send them to you via email.



Rest Time Essentials


As discussed, sheets and blankets for nap time will come in to school on Monday. They will be used throughout the week and then sent back home on Friday to be washed over the weekend. Please do not forget to send these essentials back to school with your child on Monday. Keep in mind, if they come in without these items there will be no extras to provide them with for that given day.




Box Tops for Education


Remember to support our school by collecting Box Tops for Education! For more information on how you can do this, click the picture below: