Mrs. Kowalski
Bayonne High School
Thank you for visiting our home on the web! Students should check our Google Classroom for assignments and updates.
Please make sure you are logged into: Newsela, Khan Academy, No Red Ink, and Google Classroom. Each marking period includes one in class novel and one independent read.
Honors English 9
This year's course seeks to reveal the importance of individuals speaking up for themselves, and for others, including how individuals have changed the world through written and spoken words!
English 10
This year's course emphasizes the importance of evidence and ethics as students learn about morality and see why so many authors have portrayed the essential conflict between good and evil.
Although every website link has been viewed and read for educational appropriateness, websites can change content on a daily basis. Any views expressed by authors of these pages are not necessarily the views of Mrs. Kowalski and she is not responsible for the content of these suggested pages.